I've created this space to share with you a piece of myself, of my journey, which I assure you resembles yours...
A quest to feel whole, enough, and abundant... to express and live my life from the authenticity of my heart.
Today, I know I can't (and don't want to) control my future, but I do know that how that future unfolds depends on the decisions I make today...
Starting with choosing how I want to feel.
We can ALWAYS choose <3

My name is Antonella, and I have created this space as a way to materialize that knowledge that today resides in me, and that has inspired me to explore the depths of myself, on a transformative journey.
Today my greatest desire today is to connect with those people who are in a similar search... the search for that path that returns you home, that returns you to you. Because all the answers reside in you.
I invite you to read my story here
In a nutshell.
As human beings we are in a constant search.
Although we are all looking for different things, there is a common point in this search: bringing us happiness.
I'm going to reveal a secret to you: we cannot search for something that does not exist. We search, because we remember that on some level that happiness fully existed. There is a memory in us that recognizes it as familiar...
For me, what we are really seeking is reconnection with our soul... and once you return to it, it is difficult to go back.
Return home is coming back to you.

When words express themselves.
I write because my soul needs it . He needs to reconnect with me, and he does it through words .